RIP: Steve Jobs

My Dad called me at 4:47pm yesterday and I didn’t answer as I was in my hair dresser’s chair. He was calling to tell me that Steve Jobs had died. My Dad isn’t an Apple convert much to my chagrin. He always viewed them as too expensive starting back with the original Macintosh in ’84, when we had an Atari instead.

I admire Steve more than any of his contemporaries in the modern technology industry… it’s not just the beautiful products his company puts out in which he has been instrumental… but he is more broadly an inspired individual.. look at his Standford address:

Look at his rebel ad narration:

But perhaps most startling, most unique is this…

He was the CEO of the world’s richest technology company, and he still took the time to answer customer emails… including one of mine. RIP Steve, you were a rebel.